Unsettling a Sanitary Enclave: Malaria at Mian Mir (1849–1910)
Past Harms, Future Visions
Environmental Justice and the Built Environment: A Teach-in
Response(-ability), Care, and Vector Control in Lahore
Spaces of Containment and Care
Magical Modernism: Latin American Urbanisms and the Imaginary of Social Architecture
Primary Materials: Reading Lahore’s Disobedient Landscape
Following Mosquitoes into an Urban Forest
Epidemiological Landscapes: The Spaces and Politics of Mosquito Control in Lahore
Crowdsourcing, Constructing and Collaborating: Methods and Social Impact of Mapping the World Today
Urban Climates: Power, Development and Environment in South Asia
Of More-than-Human Spaces
Postcolonial Perspectives on Urban Epidemiology
Description, Display and Distribution: Cultivating A Garden Identity in Late Nineteenth-Century Lahore
Urban Design Studio II, Urban Systems: Soot and the City
Urban Ecology
Urban Nature, Architecture and the South Asian City